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2D Draft

This quiz has 15 questions, 30 -minute that will test your basic knowledge and understanding of the 2D Draft

civil designing online test

1 / 21

What is the default text height of dimension text while using Metric Paper size?

2 / 21

Name the command to open new file with Metric dimensions.

3 / 21

Which function key is used to display AutoCAD Text window?

4 / 21

Which of the following is not a valid geometrical tolerance symbol?

5 / 21

Which of the following is not a valid dimension type?

6 / 21

Which command is used to restore the last delete object?

7 / 21

Which command changes the length of objects and the included angel of arcs?

8 / 21

________does not affect closed objects?

9 / 21

Which command displays the co ordinate of a location?

10 / 21

What will be the variable value given to turn on mirror of text object?

11 / 21

Which command changes the properties of exiting objects?

12 / 21

Bevels the edges of objects with specified distance?

13 / 21

_________command is used to edit spline

14 / 21

Which command places point objects or blocks at measured intervals on an object?

15 / 21

Controls the filling of objects such as hatches two dimensional solids and wide polylines.

16 / 21

Which command is used to break a compound object into its component object?

17 / 21

Which command is used to break a compound object into its component object?

18 / 21

Which command is used to draw filled rings?

19 / 21

__________command is used to change the point style.

20 / 21

Which of the following is not valid OSNAP option?

21 / 21

Which of the following is not valid zoom option?

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