Mx road design

Bentley MXROAD is an advanced, string-based modeling tool that enables the rapid and accurate design of all road types. With MXROAD, you can quickly create design alternatives to build the ideal road system. After a final design alternative is selected, you can automate much of the design detailing process, saving time and money. At its core, MXROAD uses 3D string modeling technology—a powerful yet concise method of creating 3D surfaces. The interoperable database allows engineers to create and annotate 3D project models in the most popular AEC platforms or in Windows. This means that you can work on the project within one environment, save it, and open it seamlessly in another environment with no loss of data. This promotes maximum productivity of trained staff.

Modelling tool for rapid and accurate road design

Bentley MXROAD is an advanced, string-based modeling tool that enables the rapid and accurate design of all road types. With MXROAD, you can quickly create design alternatives to build the ideal road system. After a final design alternative is selected, you can automate much of the design detailing process, saving time and money. At its core, MXROAD uses 3D string modeling technology—a powerful yet concise method of creating 3D surfaces. The interoperable database allows engineers to create and annotate 3D project models in the most popular AEC platforms or in Windows. This means that you can work on the project within one environment, save it, and open it seamlessly in another environment with no loss of data. This promotes maximum productivity of trained staff.

Design Creativity

Bentley MXROAD’s dynamic placement and change functionality speeds the creation of 2D and 3D alignments. This “rubber band” flexibility promotes design creativity and the assessment of alternatives with quick cut/fill calculations. The end result is better quality design.

Intersection Design

Intersection design, along with other functionality in MXROAD, is string-model based. This gives you the ability to dynamically re-grade intersections as needed. Problem areas can be resolved during the design phase rather than incurring the high cost of rework onsite.

Superelevation Design

The Bentley MXROAD automated approach to superelevation design is fast and effective. Standards for superelevation can be put into a rules file for the quick application of the correct local, company, and project standards. This allows for efficiency without limiting your ability to use engineering judgement.

Pavement Layer Generator and Volumetrics

The Pavement Layer Generator models the roadway pavement construction complete with variable pavement configurations across and along the road. Volumes are produced as a by-product of the design process, delivering the information required for bids and enabling quick, accurate reactions to bid situations.

Design Rules

Built-in design rules allow you to apply local, company, and project standards, offering both time savings and greater flexibility. You can customize and override these standards as needed for greater flexibility in unusual design situations.

MX Command Language and Input Files

The MX Command Language uses simple, repeatable commands that can be recorded and replayed using Wizards. This powerful, unique MXROAD feature saves time on reiterating designs. New designs can be quickly created through the use of input files.
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