3 Created on January 04, 2022PhotoshopThis quiz has 20 questions, 30 -minute that will test your basic knowledge and understanding of the Photoshop It includes questions on basic concepts of designing like Photoshop by Tech Cluster!!! 1 / 20We use Dodge Tool to ___________________ the area of image. Lighten or darken Sharp or Unsharp Blur and mix None of the above 2 / 20The full form of TIFF is _______________. Tagged Image File Format. Temporary Internet File Format. Temporary Image File Format. None of the above 3 / 20Which command changes the Overall mixture of colors in an image for generalized color correction? The Color Balance Variations Curves None of the above 4 / 20Which one lets you isolate and protect areas of an image as you apply color changes, filters or other effects to the rest of the image? Mask Image Matte Opacity None of the above 5 / 20Which one is the range of colors that a color system can display or print? The Gamut Color Mode Ditherinng None of the above 6 / 20How many selection tools are there in Photoshop? 8 4 9 2 7 / 20How many maximum steps we can undo in Photoshop? 10 100 1000 10000 8 / 20Which command selects a specified color or color subset within an existing selection or an entire image? Replace Color Color Range Selective Color None of the above 9 / 20In Photoshop, maximum how many alpha channels can create in an image? 20 22 24 26 10 / 20By default how many channel Indexed color images are there? One Channel 255 Channel 216 Channel 256 Channel 11 / 20Blurs edges by building a transition boundary between the selection and its surrounding pixels is known as Anti-aliasing Feathering Healing None of the above 12 / 20To get Desaturate option in Photoshop, we have to go to File Menu Layer Menu Image>Adjustment None of the above 13 / 20To get Auto contrast option in Photoshop, select Filter Menu Image>Adjustment File Menu None of the above 14 / 20How many Color Modes are there in Photoshop? 5 1 3 NONE of the above 15 / 20How many types of Gradient are there in Photoshop? Five Two Three Six 16 / 20JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group Joint Picture Export Group Junior Photographer Experimental Group None of the above 17 / 20GIF stands for Graphical Internet File Graphic Included Format Graphics Interchange Format None of the above 18 / 20To get Stroke option in Photoshop, we have to select Select Menu Filter Menu Edit Menu None of the above 19 / 20To get Auto contrast option in Photoshop, we have to select Image --> Auto contras File Menu Filter Menu None of the above 20 / 20How many type of Marquee Tool are there in Photoshop? Seven One Four Two Your score isThe average score is 27% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart quiz